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Becoming An Egg Donor


Most couples would wish to have a child, but cannot due to infertility problems. These problems are common and cannot be reversed or solved through any medical procedure. These couples can only hope to get a child through adoption or getting a surrogate mother who will bear the child in place of the intended mother. The surrogate can donate their egg and have it fertilized by the other woman’s partner, or have a fertilized egg of the intended mother implanted in their uterus. The surrogate, in turn, gets substantial compensation and after birth, gives away the child to the couple.


There are different types of donors. They include designated donors, donors who remain anonymous to the couple, and patients who get involved in sharing oocyte programs. Designated donors are those that have been brought by the couple to donate their egg and help them. These donors may be the couple’s friend or relative. Some donors prefer to remain anonymous, leaving none of their details to the couple. They are unrelated to them. Donor agencies and clinics provide them. The most common and cost-effective type is the one where patients who do the in vitro fertilization process have a couple to pay for this procedure. The donor provides unused eggs that get fertilized with the male recipient, or from another man’s sperms. Be sure to get more information here!


All these types of donors need to be qualified to get into these donation programs. Some of these requirements are the same in all states. For example, you need to be in perfect health, with regular menstrual periods and be emotionally healthy. You need to be free from all drug use. You should not have any abnormal reproduction problems, and you need to be of a certain age, depending on the country you are in. Know more here!


Before the procedure, the donor is given medication to stop monthly periods. They are given hyperstimulation drugs to stimulate the production of ovaries. They are advised to keep away from sexual intercourse as this can interfere with the donation. On insemination, the donor will have frequent tests to observe the growth of the embryo in their uterus. These tests are paid for by the recipients.


As a legal process, the donor needs to sign official documents indicating that they will give away the rights to this baby immediately when they give birth. The birth of the baby marks the completion of this arrangement, and the donor can walk away after receiving their compensation. Watch this video at for more info about surrogacy.

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